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We are HOPE Trust Cardiff

The object of HOPE Trust Cardiff CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) is:

1. To promote social inclusion in Cardiff, by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.

2. To promote the mental health and well-being of persons resident in South Wales suffering from depression, bereavement, loss or pregnancy-related crises, by the provision of voluntary counselling, education and support for such persons.

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Currently HOPE is the umbrella organisation for three projects:

Hope St Mellons are a group of local people working together to: build and strengthen community; improve wellbeing; and create opportunities for enterprise, occupation and education. We’re passionate about relationships and partnership-building that fosters social action, volunteering, and storytelling. Some of our common work includes: the Step Out Fund scholarship programme; youth and children’s clubs; families work; emotional literacy support in local primary schools; forest school; and the St Mellons Mutual Aid Fund. 



The Junction Cardiff is a non-judgmental support service for anyone who has experienced any form of baby loss. It aims to provide a caring and safe atmosphere for individuals or couples to talk confidentially to one of our trained advisors.

Glenwood Wellbeing Space, Circle Way West, CARDIFF, CF23 6UW

TAVS Centre aims to engage, support and empower people in Cardiff addressing issues arising from homelessness, addiction and mental health difficulties and/or isolation.

TAVS Centre, Tavistock Street, CARDIFF, CF24 3BE

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Contact Us

Rachel Treseder

HOPE Trust Cardiff,
Glenwood Centre,
Circle Way West,
CF23 6UW

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HOPE Trust Cardiff CIO is the social action charity for Glenwood Church Faith Community.
Registered Charity Number: 1161235

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