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The Glenwood Faith Community are a people on pilgrimage with God: moving and changing as we journey with faith. We adopt spiritual rhythms as a way of integrating our faith into our everyday life. We make space to be still before God, we choose a posture that is willing to learn, we create habits of thankfulness, and spend time worshipping together. As a non denominational church, we celebrate the diversity found across our community and unite around our heart for Jesus and serving others.

Be Still
be still

Take time to quieten from the haste of the day, and be still in the presence of God.

Glenwood also has a dedicated on-site Prayer Space which is open as a quiet place to pray, and Spiritual Accompaniment can be arranged for anyone who would like to have someone journey with them in their faith. 


We also pray collectively with fortnightly Zoom gatherings and seasonal rhythms at Advent & Christmas, Lent & Easter, and our week of Prayer after Pentecost.


See links below to some apps we find helpful. 

daily prayer
Daily Prayer

The 'Examen' is an ancient reflective technique. It is an invitation to notice the movements of God in our daily life:


I begin by re-centering my scattered senses upon the presence of God.


As I look over the past day, I consider:

When did I last feel energised? When was I most aware of God’s presence?

What drained the life out of me? When did I feel God’s absence?

I look towards tomorrow, and ask for God to walk with me.


   with us

The Glenwood Gathering Sunday Service is an opportunity for the Faith Community to worship and pray together, explore more about faith through teaching and creative pieces, and catch up with one another over a cup of coffee…

Treasure The Questions
treasure the

At Glenwood we give value to authentic faith which gives space for uncertainty. So come as you are, whether deconstructing, reconstructing, doubting, or believing… 

Explore more about the character of God and dig deeper into the Bible. Follow the Sunday Teaching Series, join a Small Group, or come along to our Evening Explore teaching with a termly topical focus.

Or join us as we 'treasure the questions', on a 3 part series which gives space to explore life’s questions in a small group setting. 

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Now I only know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

These three remain… faith, hope, and love.

- 1 Cor 13:13

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